

Hello and welcome :)

I am a classically trained chef with wholehearted passion for holistic approach to human body and the ways it supports and rebuilds itself. 

I was born and lived for half of my life in Asia, in its bright abundance of fruit, vegetables and herbs. Plants and amazing diversity of its healing and nourishing properties have always fascinated me, I grew up in a concept of natural health and healing. While living, travelling and working in different countries across the world, I`ve always tried to dive deep and learn the ways local people use plants for health benefits. That`s how Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine principles, herbal remedies and other parts of functional medicine have become a huge interest of mine . 

As much as I love and honour natural medicine, I`m a great believer in science and evidence-based medicine too, and some of my days are spent either doing research for the projects I`m working on or reading research papers to equip my clients with the latest information available. Science is never boring and if combined thoughtfully with medicinal properties of dandelions – works magic :)

Three years ago I started training as a naturopathic nutritionist at College of Naturopathic Medicine(London, UK) and in my final year of studies at the moment. 

Fermentation has always been a huge part of my cultural heritage, I grew up with it, firmly in love with all the benefits it offers to our body and delighted to have an opportunity of sharing all I know about the world of gut friendly bacteria  with London Fermentary clients.  

Olga Bonde